Residential Designer.
This is a topic of confusion for many people that deserves some explanation. Let’s break it down.
An Architect is an individual that is licensed to practice architecture by the State Board of Technical Registration that operates in each state independently. Architects will often assemble an extended team professional Structural, Electrical, Mechanical, and Civil engineers to assist in the design of the home, which naturally translates into increased costs on the front end of the building project. Typical architectural fees from an established firm begin around 5% to 7% of anticipated construction costs, and often can be up to 10% or more. Thus, a modest home with a construction budget of $400,000 might result in a fee between $20,000 to $40,000, depending on the architecture firm.
Drafters fill the lower tier of construction documentation services. This can be an economical fit for those who require less detail in their plans, and whose primary concern is cost. By law, anyone can draw a set of house plans. The challenge comes when those plans are submitted and scrutinized by the local municipality for building permits. The building code is quite complex, a competent drafter can effectively negotiate the procedures to satisfy the building official and obtain a permit for construction. Many builders use in-house drafters to provide low-cost plans to get your construction business. There is a wide range of skills available in the drafter level of construction documentation, so be sure to explore references and experience when hiring a drafter. Drafters can often be hired at an average hourly rate of $20 to $30 an hour, and thus can represent the cheapest avenue to a set of plans.
A Residential Design Firm, like Envision Corporation, has gained recognition by the American Institute of Building Design (AIBD), training in building design and extensive work experience in the field. Residential Designers are not required to be licensed in most states, including Arizona. It is our job to collaborate effectively to create a home design that reflects the client’s design aesthetics and a functional living environment while respecting their budgetary expectations for construction.
The Residential Designer is tasked with understanding all disciplines associated with the design of the home. A Residential Designer will create the complete plan set (Site Design, Foundation, Framing, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, etc.) independently, cutting out many unnecessary costs.
We find having established relationships with the contractors in the field is crucial for success. Working alongside them incorporates the best building techniques into our construction plans to ensure cost-effective use of materials and current market trends in the industry. Most competent and established Residential Designers, such as Envision Corporation, will charge on average fees that are about half that of an architectural firm.
Many people feel that the niche of the residential designer is a good fit. The decision of who you hire for your project is an important one and the true test comes out in the field. A “cheap” set of construction plans may translate into a very expensive building process. Change orders from the contractor for missing information or construction structure conflicts may be the result of taking shortcuts early on.
We hope this information has been helpful! Everyone’s situation is different and we know the process can be daunting; part of our job is to relieve your anxieties along the way and create a wonderful experience from beginning to end. After 33+ years in the industry, we can confidently say you will not regret putting your trust in us. If you believe hiring Envision Corporation for your next residential design project, give us a call.